TLC, aka Thursday Lunch Club
The Thursday Lunch Club (TLC) is run by volunteers the great majority of whom are associated with Holy Trinity Church, Corpus Christi RC church, and All Saints. The purpose is to combat isolation, to provide companionship and a very good ‘home cooked’ two course lunch, for people who live alone, most of whom are also older people. Before the lunch the guests enjoy fruit juice or sherry and nibbles. The excellent lunch is followed by tea or coffee, and sometimes a short entertainment. Birthdays are remembered. It happens on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.

The lunches happen in the parish hall of Corpus Christi RC church in Margaret Road, with between 20 and 25 guests enjoying the meal which is cooked in the kitchen there. TLC is a very much appreciated. The guests have told us that TLC is the friendliest lunch in the area and that the food is excellent. There are about 25 helpers, as it is a complex operation. There are: -
drivers, as many need to be brought by car
flower arrangers, as flowers are provided on the lunch tables
table and chair putters-up and takers down
table setters and servers
and, of course, the cooks.
The guests pay £5 per lunch, which does not fully cover the costs, but we are well supported by charitable donations from the Waitrose community fund, Tesco, and even legacies of former guests. These funds pay for extras, such as free meals at Christmas and other times, taxis for people who have to use wheelchairs and so cannot accept lifts in normal cars, entertainers, catering equipment and so on.
The club is nearly full as far as guests are concerned. If you know of someone who would benefit, and would like to come, please contact James Larminie. Of course, James, who is one of the two coordinators, would also love to hear from you if you want to help with this wonderful venture.