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Our Team

Email problems have been resolved. (5th March 2025)
Photo of Paul Niemiec standing in front of a stained glass window   stuart
Paul Niemiec

Tel: (01865) 492966
  Stuart Donaldson
Music Director & Organist

Paul was licensed as our Priest-in-charge at the end of July 2024. It is a return to the Oxford diocese for him, as 40 years ago he was licensed as an evangelist in the Church Army, for which he trained with the Wilson Carlile College of Evangelism.
After working in youth ministry in Aylesbury, then Norwich and for ten years as diocesan youth officer in the Salisbury diocese, he moved to the Peterborough diocese as youth officer and while in this post he trained for the ordained ministry and was ordained deacon in 2005 and priest in 2006.
Paul and his wife Helen have two grown-up children and three grandchildren. Paul is part-time, and his normal working days are Monday to Wednesday, plus Sundays.

Stuart was born in St Andrews, Fife and grew up in Leven, some ten miles down the coast. As an undergraduate he studied music at Reading University, conducting the university opera society in works by Offenbach, Verdi and Donizetti.
After graduating Stuart began working in the BBC Gramophone Library's cataloguing department as their classical music and, later, opera specialist.
He has been organist and director of music at various churches in Edinburgh, London and Oxford and started as organist and director of music at All Saints Church in 2021.
He plays bassoon in a local quintet, Quarry Winds, has also played bassoon for the orchestra of All Souls', Langham Place in their services and Prom Praise events and was pleased to head up the Oxford churches contribution to the mass choir for Prom Praise 2024 at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
James Larminie   Janet Marx 400 by 400
James Larminie
Churchwarden & Licensed Lay Minister
  Janet Marx

James has been worshipping at All Saints Church since 1980, and been a Reader/Licensed Lay Minister since 1987. He is an electrical engineer by trade, and before retiring a few years ago he worked as a school teacher, in industry, and for a good while as a lecturer at nearby Oxford Brookes University.
Janet Marx (also known as Burton) is a mediaeval historian who now teaches part-time at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in Lampeter, a small town in West Wales. She is married to William whom she met when they were both postgraduate students at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York. From York they moved to Wales where they spent most of their careers.

Their migration to Oxford was a gradual one, but since 2017 they have been firmly rooted in Highfield, where they are delighted to have found the fellowship and friendship of All Saints. 
Christine Tucker   Glassons
Christine Tucker
Licensed Lay Minister

Christine was first licensed as a Lay Minister in the Anglican Diocese of Saskatchewan in the 1990s. After returning to the UK in 2001 she settled in Oxfordshire, and transferred her licence to the Diocese of Oxford in 2020. Originally Christine worked professionally as a research chemist, and then took advantage of a late ‘gap decade’ to study Missions & Theology abroad. After returning to the UK she trained in Accounting. Together with a friend, she co-founded Project Shoebox Oxford in 2014. She also volunteers with various organisations in and around Oxford, including Churches Together in Headington and the Headington Fairtrade Shop. Her ministry interests are focused on supporting and encouraging people in their faith, whether by teaching, preaching, social justice activities or ecumenical events. 
John and Carol Glasson are Lancastrians who came to Oxford, for a couple of years, over 50 years ago. John is the Hon Treasurer, and member of the PCC, Church House Management Committee, Stewardship Committee and Social Committee (heavy lifting section). He was previously Head of the School of Planning, and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) at Oxford Brookes University. He is now Professor Emeritus at Oxford Brookes, and works part-time on research and writing.

Carol is cochair of the Social Committee, editor of the weekly bulletin (in normal times), and co-ordinator of our Ride and Stride and Christian Aid activities. Carol also worked at Oxford Brookes in the Computer Department, and then as outpatient travel organiser at the Sobell House Hospice.
Michael Oberuohwo   Sing out 2
Michael Oberuohwo
Licensed Lay Minister/Reader
  Vivienne Larminie
PCC Secretary and Choir Secretary
Michael has recently arrived in Oxford from Sapele Diocese in Nigeria. People who minister in the blue scarf are still called Readers there! Michael works as a nurse in the JR Hospital. He has more recently been joined by his wife Mary, also a nurse, and their two teenage daughters who go to Spires Academy.
  Vivienne Larminie is the PCC secretary. She is also the administrator of the choir and collaborates with the organist/music director in suggesting hymns and anthems to fit the themes of services, and in other musical activities. She sings soprano.

A historian of 17th century religion, politics and migration, she is married to James Larminie
    Valerie Boulter resize 2021
    Valerie Boulter

Oxford born Valerie has been a member of All Saints' since 1991, when she left 30 years of Sunday School teaching at Holy Trinity Headington Quarry. Since then she has served on the PCC and was a representative to the Cowley Deanery Synod. She took over the leadership role of 3rd Headington Guides in Oct 1991, and is now of member of the Kidlington Trefoil Guild. Her life long association with the British Red Cross Society has led her to training people in First Aid and Home Nursing in many different fields of work, and she has been awarded life membership of the BRCS.
Valerie worked at the Nuffield Press Ltd, Lord Nuffield's printing company in Cowley, for 44 years before her retirement. As well as serving on the PCC she is an Honorary Sacristan for the church and co-ordinates the flower arranging in church when it is open for public services.
    Emma Steane
Parish Safeguarding Officer



Emma is married to Andrew and has three children in their teens and early twenties.  They all enjoy family camping holidays and playing board games.  Emma works as an HR Administrator and has lived in Headington for the last 20 years.  
Emma describes herself as a 'Jack of all trades', taking an interest in many different things as a keen amateur!  She has played the French horn since childhood and continues to play in local groups.  She also enjoys singing in All Saints Choir on a Sunday.  She spends a lot of time keeping her garden in a sort of tidy wild state, sharing it with local wildlife. She aims to plant a tree or a new hedge at least once a year in the hope of attracting birds and butterflies.  Other interests include sewing, crochet, knitting and attempting cryptic crosswords.  She is involved with the children's work at All Saints and loves to meet friends for coffee.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Welcome

We are a Church of England parish church in the central area of Headington, Oxford.

You can learn more about our beliefs and worship here.

Where and When?

We meet at All Saints church building (find us here) for our Sunday Service starting at 10:00am. When you arrive, you will be greeted by one of our welcomers who will give you a service booklet, a bulletin and a hymn book. There is no need to book.

What will happen?

Our worship is traditional, joyful and friendly. Hymns are accompanied by the organ and choir. The service lasts for about an hour.
You are welcome to join in as much as you like - or just listen quietly if you prefer.

We celebrate communion every week. All who profess belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and who have been baptised are warmly invited to participate with us in the Lord’s Supper.  

What should I wear? 

You will find people in t-shirts and jeans and others in suits and dresses. Come in whatever you find most comfortable.

Is the church accessible?

There is wheelchair access via ramp at the south door (on All Saints Road). We have a sound loop for anyone who needs it - please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. 

Do you have toilets?

Yes! There is one toilet, fully accessible and with baby change facilities, downstairs.

What about children?

We welcome children at all our services and we encourage them to participate in our worship. There is a small Sunday School that usually meets in the side chapel. You can read more here. We also have a children's corner at the back where parents can take children when necessary and where the children can play during the after service refreshments.  

Do you serve tea & coffee?

You are really welcome to stay for tea, coffee and biscuits after the 10am service. 

Get in touch with us
If you would like to discuss your visit - or come and see the church beforehand - you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.