Our Parish Hall
Our Parish Hall in New High Street, called Church House, is operated as a separate charitable trust, but all the building costs, and a good number of repair costs, have been paid for by All Saints Church. It is our offering to the parish. It is a busy and lively community centre used by a huge range of groups.
Booking the Hall
The hall is kept free on Sunday afternoons and evenings for parties, especially children’s parties. Arts groups are also welcome, and we have in the past welcomed events such as puppet shows and small music groups. Note that we do not book events going on after 10pm, out of consideration for our neighbours.
The Upper Hall, see below, is free during the day, and is available for booking. It is ideal, for example, for training classes.
The Upper Hall is also kept free of regular bookings on Friday evenings.
To enquire about booking the hall, and hire charges, please contact the booking secretary by emailing allsaintchurchhouse@hotmail.co.uk .
Regular Users
The regular users are listed below. If the group has no weblink, and you want more information, contact James Larminie, using email churchwarden2@allsaintsheadington.org.uk or ringing 01865 769054. He will be able to put you in touch with the organiser.
Morning: Little Sharks, a community run playgroup for children 0-5 and their carers. Very informal, this has been running for about 40 years! To join, just come along from 10am.
Evenings: Pilates classes in the main hall.
Morning: Keep fit classes
Evening: Judo in the main hall during term time. In the upper hall is a boys club run by Asylum Welcome.
Evening: Aerial gymnastics (children then adults), with Pilates classes upstairs as well.
Morning: Baby College
Early evening: Aerial Gymnastics for children only. Exercise yoga upstairs
Evening from 7:30pm: Guides in the main hall, and Ranger Guides upstairs.
Morning: Goûter Club, French language playgroup
Evening: Aerial Gymnastics (children then adults)
The Upper Hall is available to book on Fridays for local group events – music events, film evenings and so on.
Morning and afternoon: 7th Day Adventist Church group.
Evening: Jesus is Lord Church music practice and set-up.
Morning: Jesus is Lord Church.
Afternoons upstairs: Oxford Chinese Christian Church youth group.
The Main Hall is kept free of regular bookings in the afternoons for parties and other occasional events, such as local meetings, arts events, community meetings and so on.
Main Hall

The main hall is a high open space, big enough for all types of events, and able to take party equipment such as bouncy castles. Available to book on Sunday afternoons and evenings.

A well-equipped kitchen (cooker, microwave, kettles, fridge etc.) with plenty of crockery, plates, mugs, cups, glasses and etc. This is available to all users, but is especially useful for Main Hall and Committee Room users.
Committee Room
Useful for smaller meetings and ‘breakout groups’. This room only has regular bookings during the weekend.
Upper Hall
An air open room, that can hold up to about 40 people seated. This is available to book during the day mid-week.
Solar Panel
In 2015 the trustees invested about £15,000 in a 10 kWpk solar panel installation. It generates far more electricity than we use, and so if you live near the hall your electricity will sometimes be coming from our panels. We have exported (August 2022) over 70,000 kWh of electricity. The equivalent, using a calculation of dubious optimism by the electricity company, of planting 850 trees.