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Children at church

Have you got children that you would like to bring to church? Then they are very welcome at All Saints!


On Sunday mornings there is a small Sunday School for children in the side chapel (or sometimes outside if the weather allows). This may include games, crafts, stories, songs, puppets and more. The children  re-join the service with their families for communion and there is often worship during the final hymn with percussion instruments, streamers or flags.

Children are also given the opportunity to participate in the service, e.g. reading prayers as part of the intercessions, bringing up the fruit and vegetables during harvest festival, lighting candles and reading prayers during advent, following the star with the wise men at Epiphany or enthusiastically handing out the flowers on mothering Sunday.

Some of our teenagers also help the younger children, assisting one of our children's team. We find this helps give the different ages a chance to get to know each other, and also gives our young people an opportunity serve and deepen their own faith as they share and explain it with those younger than themselves. 

After the service, the children tend to grab a biscuit and then play with each other; ‘Hide and Seek’ is a favourite!  Children of our regular families often take one book from the children’s corner to read during the week. We have a huge variety of Bible stories for different ages.

Over Easter, we run an Easter Garden Event, where the children made ‘Jesus’ tomb’ in the Church garden together and heard the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. In previous years we have run a ‘Christmas party’, where the children from All Saints played games for a couple of hours in Church House with their friends, ate party food and watched cartoons. 

We were very excited to offer a short series of free Gospel drama workshops for primary school age children at the end of the summer and hope to develop this further. Do get in touch if you would be interested in this.


If you are a visitor or guest to our Church there are activity bags designed for each age group in the Children’s corner, which you are most welcome to use for the service. Some visiting children prefer to sit with their parents throughout the service, with or without an activity bag - please do whatever is your preference. We also have a baby toys and toddler toys in the children’s corner, so if you have a little one or you are nursing, please feel free to make use of this area if helpful. The children's corner is set at the back of Church but you will still feel part of the service. 
There is something wonderful about seeing entire family units of all shapes and sizes worshiping the Lord together! We believe people of all ages should come to Christ, regardless of the noises or distractions they might bring, as Jesus said, ‘let the little children come to me’. 


If you have any questions about the above or you would like to know more about bringing your children along on a Sunday then please email us at

We look forward to meeting you! 

Andrew, Catherine and Emma

The ACE children's team   


Planning your Visit

A Warm Welcome

We are a Church of England parish church in the central area of Headington, Oxford.

You can learn more about our beliefs and worship here.

Where and When?

We meet at All Saints church building (find us here) for our Sunday Service starting at 10:00am. When you arrive, you will be greeted by one of our welcomers who will give you a service booklet, a bulletin and a hymn book. There is no need to book.

What will happen?

Our worship is traditional, joyful and friendly. Hymns are accompanied by the organ and choir. The service lasts for about an hour.
You are welcome to join in as much as you like - or just listen quietly if you prefer.

We celebrate communion every week. All who profess belief in the Lord Jesus Christ and who have been baptised are warmly invited to participate with us in the Lord’s Supper.  

What should I wear? 

You will find people in t-shirts and jeans and others in suits and dresses. Come in whatever you find most comfortable.

Is the church accessible?

There is wheelchair access via ramp at the south door (on All Saints Road). We have a sound loop for anyone who needs it - please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. 

Do you have toilets?

Yes! There is one toilet, fully accessible and with baby change facilities, downstairs.

What about children?

We welcome children at all our services and we encourage them to participate in our worship. There is a small Sunday School that usually meets in the side chapel. You can read more here. We also have a children's corner at the back where parents can take children when necessary and where the children can play during the after service refreshments.  

Do you serve tea & coffee?

You are really welcome to stay for tea, coffee and biscuits after the 10am service. 

Get in touch with us
If you would like to discuss your visit - or come and see the church beforehand - you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.
Email Address:
Comments / Questions or anything you would like to say?

Next, we will contact you by email to say hello and help arrange anything necessary for your visit.
We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.